

BS Springfield College- Community Services, Business, Sociology Collegiate Gymnast + Dance Team
Mother of four beautiful children
Grandmother (Mimi) grand babies: Harper, Henley & Leo!
Business Owner, Sports Facility 2000-2011
Dance Instructor 1982-2001
USA Gymnastics, Coach, Judge 1982-2011
Owner / Director of MA licensed preschool 2006-2011
Yogi since 2006
200-hr RYT, Boston Yoga School w/ Ame Wren + International Teachers, 2015
Radiant Child Kid's Yoga, Certified 2016
Ocean Edge Resort Yoga Teacher Brewster, MA 2016-present
Crosby Beach yoga Teacher Brewster, MA 2021-present
Former Yoga teacher Orleans Yoga,  Orleans, MA 2015-2020

Testimonials:  “I met Anne at the very time I was renewing and rejuvenating my creative path as writer and artist. November marks the first anniversary of her calm, inspired, and nurturing guidance as Yoga instructor. She is intuitive and brings her students to honor the stillness within.” -Bobbie Pierce  

Here is a quote she shared at the beginning of my first class with her:   “The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” M. Scott Peck

 “As someone who is new to the area and new to Yoga, Anne’s class is just perfect for me thanks to her welcoming and encouraging nature. Anne’s classes, whether in person or on Zoom, help me maintain positivity and gratitude. Yoga with Anne has been so beneficial as I learn to navigate all the “new normals” of 2020.”   -Allison Wetzel  



About Anne

A teacher at heart, nature lover, ocean minded, lover of people - Anne strives to teach proper alignment for safety, combined with building strength, flexibility, and  range of motion through the assistance of breath.  Her teaching strategy is to reach out to all students.  To bring success and joy in learning. 

There are visual learners, technical learners, disability learners and many different learners ( Anne has a hearing loss in both ears with the use of hearing aides in both ears. To say this pandemic has brought yet another struggle for her with masks and reading lips is an understatement, but with determination, patience and a smile - she perseveres with stability and kindness to achieve successful communication for all.) Keeping us all connected.

Her teaching style is one of fun, laughter, enjoyment, proper alignment, strength, exploration and a spirutual side note that is uplifting. You leave the class feeling better than when you walk in both physically and emotionally.  There is always a smile for you as you enter and a sense of love when you leave.  A sense of community, a part of a family, a yoga family.  Friendships are made, connections are formed, lasting friendships are endured.

Come take a yoga class with Anne. Beginner, new-to-yoga, men, women, all ages - find that new identity trying something new each time we practice.  Hatha Yoga bringing both Yin and Yang yoga through flow and holding an asana a bit longer for stability, balance and personal inquiry ending with mediation.  

With a positive mind, a will to keep moving forward, and and open heart - we can accomplish great things…together. 

See you on the beach, outdoors under a tree, on your mat or on the computer- Yoga is for everyone! 


