Specialty Classes

Specialty classes will come throughout the month or year to bring in some spontaneity.  These classes will bring education, some journaling if desirable, and a new lift in our every day practice of Yoga. Staying present and not stagnant  allows us to explore even deeper into our individual and higher self through inquiry and enthusiasm.  


Holiday Rest & Restore Yoga with your Fur Buddy

Let us learn the art of resting and allow our body and our mind to restore themselves. Not thinking and not doing anything is an art of resting and healing.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Holiday Rest & Restore Restorative yoga livestream/zoom
Tuesday December 19, 2023
@ anne-saimeri
Paypal, Zelle saimeri6@comcast.net
Please Venmo, or PayPal, Zelle in advance to reserve your spot. Please include Specialty class date and time. A link to an invitation will be sent to you a half hour before the class.

A Restorative Yoga Class combined with conversation/discussion, journaling and your pet(optional). A few days before Christmas, a time to rejoice, enjoy family, find some downtime and reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in awhile. Thinking of all of this and journaling before we begin an hour practice.
We’ll write, notice about the Winter and how the change of seasons affect our emotions, our reactions, even our moods. Giving yourself permission to slow down, and take time out for yourself is necessary! Practice this! And join me for a beautiful feeling of soft self care through an hour Restorative Yoga practice. Bringing your pet to lay down next to you as you’re practicing brings you AND your pet a sense of security, calm, less stress. Remember your pet feels your stress- when you are stressed most of the time your pet is too- they can feel the change. My dog Cobie likes to hear the calm voice as I teach ….as you can see here. Give it a try and le’ts meet your pet!


What to Bring to your space:
Two Blocks
Two Blankets
Eye Pillow
A strap, tie( or bathrobe tie) or belt
Cup of warm tea
Your pet!


Thanksgiving Sunrise Yoga

“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out, and the tide of love rushes in.” - Kristin Armstrong


Before you put the turkey in the oven, and wait for the warming chaos of holidays to begin- take a moment out for yourself. Give thanks to you. Now, how does that sound? Delightful, but unrealistic? I thought so too as I too will be putting the turkey in and entertaining with family. But then I stopped, and said, “this is exactly what I need to begin my holiday season” and although I’ve seen classes all over the internet on this day of thanks - I never took the serious time out for myself to try a yoga class. To calm my mind, to enjoy my yoga family in unity and gratitude for just a moment.
So…..Take a breath. Let’s do this together!
In gratitude for those who want to share a moment - I’ve lowered the specialty class price in gratitude to all of you and your commitment to yoga and self care.
Early morning is hard to get up and even more so with holidays and the hustle and bustle of “stuff” (my new go to word)… so why not try to make a point, a conscious commitment and get up early for you!
Put all things aside, roll out your mat, get on zoom and let’s float, dream, breathe, move, to the rhythm of our collective hearts and unity of family….yoga family…that keeps growing with love from all of you! It will be worth it and a memory we will cherish…2020. Namaste.
Bring two blankets, yoga mat,  warm clothes that you can move in, props if you have them and a warm heart.

Sunrise Yoga
on Thanksgiving Day
Thursday November 23, 2023
7:30am(1 hr practice)

$15 per person per class(special price/gratitude)
Venmo, PayPal
Paypal: saimeri6@comcast.net
Please include: specialty class and date/time.  30 minutes before class you will be sent an invitation to join the class.

Comfort, Warm and Cozy - come enjoy the feeling of nurturing oneself through the gift of yoga, staying warm and slowing down.

Comfort, Warm and Cozy - come enjoy the feeling of nurturing oneself through the gift of yoga, staying warm and slowing down.


Bundle and Breathe Restorative Class

Life….is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our…Breath away!
- Maya Angelou


What you will need:
yoga mat
Bolster or rolled blankets
two blocks/books
eye pillow or soft cloth for savasana
two blankets 
insulated travel mug & hot water for tea

We will open up the class for a discussion on self care, nurturing, comfort, cleansing, and self love. Questions are asked to start up a conversation and share our own stories to gain confidence in self inquiry. Or just listen and journal in silence as others speak. To feel the comfort amongst others to use our individual voice and be heard with non judgement, a smile, a nod and virtual hug.
Then an hour of a restorative yoga practice. This practice will be a sequence of maybe 6-8 asanas held a bit longer with the loving care of props placed purposefully where comfort is noticed. We take time to get into the asana, use our props, stay warm, feel protected and nurtured. Ending in savasana wrapped in blankets, tucked in for comfort, a soft eye pillow to rest our busy vision and the feel of being loved while we drift off halfway in-between awake and asleep. Meditation.

Tuesday , October 17 4:00-5:30pm
My Front yard(weather permitting) or Zoom, from the comfort of your home

$20 per person per class
Venmo, PayPal, cash accepted
Paypal: saimeri6@comcast.net
Livestream, please Venmo in advance to reserve a spot.  Please include: specialty class and date/time.  15 minutes before class you will be sent an invitation to join the class.

Join us as we explore the specialty classes each month to enrich our yoga journey through conversation, warmth, comfort and ease.
Upon completion of the class take time to journal your thoughts, thoughts that might have come up during and after class along with your take aways with these special classes geared toward inquiry and truth.

Tell a friend, come to the front lawn of mine or zoom from home. It’s a great way to stay connected with beautiful minds, and beautiful people.



“Attitude with Gratitude”

It’s the summer’s great last heat, It’s the Fall’s first chill:  They meet”
- Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

This class will bring in an hour practice of  slow flow, slowing down, letting go, putting things on hold Yoga practice. There will be discussion and information on the Fall equinox and how it relates to the four seasons and their solstice and equinox reflection. Journaling is invited.  Questions will be brought to our attention. Discussion and questions encouraged.   Lists of things to do to bring balance into our lives will be delivered. Gratitude brings abundance!  Let's have some fun with Attitude with Gratitude to keep the balance of life flowing forward. Balance poses/asanas will be a nice part of the practice too! Come join me, tell your friends and family- let’s practice change together in community and friendship. Attitude with Gratitude on the lawn or on the screen, Inviting and practicing  everything in balance: one planet, one world, one soul.  Namaste

Bring two blankets, yoga mat,  warm clothes that you can move in, (in person) warm water in a travel mug if you want some tea (I’ll provide the tea), (at home light a candle, bring a cup of tea by your side), props if you have them and a warm heart.

Tuesday October 3 4-5:30pm
In person on the front lawn or virtual livestream  via Zoom
29 Pond Rd  Orleans

$20 per person per class
Venmo, PayPal, cash accepted
Paypal: saimeri6@comcast.net
Livestream, please Venmo in advance to reserve a spot.  Please include: specialty class and date/time.  15 minutes before class you will be sent an invitation to join the class.


January 1, 2024
Revive & Restore with Enthusiasm

“ Revive your light. Manifest your dreams.
Realize your worth.
~ Alex Elle

Begin this New Year with Enthusiasm! Bring a friend- two for the price of one! Give to others the gift of self care! We’ll begin with Journaling our light right now! Our dreams, Our creations with a new twist- different from last year! What do we want? Right Now? Write it down. We often say… write down our New Year’s resolutions…. but most of these we forget by the next month. How about: write about beginnings, new paths, changing our habits and patterns…. OR just one. Then an hour beautiful slow flow yoga practice to rejuvenate and restore with an uplifting charge of energy! Can you feel it? Come join a beautiful beginning with our yoga family as you become part of the family too! Try something new this year - possibly out of our comfort level while enjoying the quiet space we reserve and renew on our own mat!
Self Care for the New Year and make it a Commitment!
Yoga is for everyone!

January 1, 2024
$20/person(Bring a friend - two for the price of one!)
Anne-Saimeri or PayPal saimeri6@comcast.net or Zelle saimeri6@comcast.net to register and reserve your spot. Please state Specialty Class, your email and your friends email, date and time while registering for class! You can send the email info privately also to my phone (413-335-3654).
Let’s do this for our selves and for each other as we venture into the unknown of yet another New Year with Enthusiasm and Self Care!